I recently heard it said that December is the intersection of two calendars: the calendar of our culture that holds endless commitments this time of year and the Christian, liturgical calendar that holds the season of Advent. It feels difficult to prioritize both and takes great imagination to envision these two coexisting over the next few weeks.
We can feel guilty for how busy it all gets and wonder if we are missing the point, but what if these two realities running parallel is exactly the point? They may even want to intersect! Every Advent we are invited to look for the intersections.
It does not have to be a time of trying to manage two competing realities. It can instead be a time to watch for how the two connect. When God comes into our lives, He wants to be involved, included, incarnate! The very human details are exactly the places of opportunity. We have the great privilege of being on a curious lookout for how God might want to enliven our experiences with grace, presence, and new birth.
Maybe our part is just to make a little room for intentional noticing. Consider making some pockets of time, daily or weekly, this month to slow down to ask:
-God how are you coming to me this Advent?
-What are the ways you are intersecting my little reality with new life?
God comes in ways we least expect. We must ask for eyes to really see. We must be open to welcoming the Spirit, the angels, the messages that come through channels we would have never imagined.
If you would like to make some space for that at The Retreat House we have some options this month. Our half day silent retreat is on Thursday the 12th from 9:30-1:30. This retreat will focus on welcoming Christ into the particulars of life. Click here to sign up.
We also have two dates for Open Hours: Friday December 6th and Tuesday December 17th. These are no cost, no registration times for you to enjoy the grounds of The Retreat House and reflect this season.
And as always, if you are interested in learning more about our offerings or if you have questions about sessions or Cabin stays feel free to reach out to hello@theretreathousememphis.com. We offer gift certificates as well if you would like to gift Retreat House offerings this Christmas season.
I would love to leave you with this quote from Evelyn Underhill to think on:
“Our spiritual life depends on His perpetual coming to us, far more than our going to him. Every time a channel is made for Him, He comes; every time our hearts are open to him, He enters, bringing a fresh gift of His very life, and on that life we depend. We should think of the whole power and splendour of God as always pressing in upon our small souls.”